Hello my friends. The weeks continue to roll by here in good old Corning, NY. Life is good, and blessings are flowing. This has been kind of an interesting week in the life of Sister Langford and Sister Fiefia... So lets talk about the word.
Saturday afternoon, Sister Fiefia and I are chillin, enjoying our delicious lunch of member's leftovers, when all of a sudden the phone rings. It's the Zone Leads calling with transfer calls. They are going through the list of everyone who is getting transferred and where they are going and blah blah. Then they say "Oh and Sister Fiefia, you are going to Hamilton!" Elder say what? So that was pretty unexpected! And that's the news. Sister Fiefia is leaving me after only one short transfer to go to the blessed land of Hamilton. I will hold down the position of Sister Training Leader in Corning, now to be accompanied by Sister Glen! So it should be fun. In other super awesome news, my home girl Sister Davis is coming down to the zone to open up Ithica. So I will get to go on exchanges with her and I'm pretty stoked about that! But seriously, our world has been flipped upside down. We so did not see this one coming. I guess the Lord knows best! haha.
Oh my. So last Monday Sister F and I had been praying and fasting that she would be able to get an answer to her prayers and that she would know the church was true and that this was the path we should take. We felt we were being pretty faith filled. Then a couple of hours later, she texts us and says
"Hey sisters! I've been able to have some really good alone time with God last night and I feel like I still believe what I have always believed to be true. If you still want to come over on Tuesday that is fine!"
Oh so we were crazy nervous... and honestly a little disappointed. We had prayed for this miracle, and it totally seemed things were going the opposite way! So then Tuesday night we were able to go over and have a lesson with her. We just really prayed before hand that we would be able to love her, answer her questions and help her keep investigating! As we answered her questions the spirit was really strong and she agreed to keep meeting and to keep having an open mind. Then Saturday we went back over with this random girl who met at a wedding, (she is also an RM), and we read the Book of Mormon with her. She told us of this cool experience she had.
She said she was feeling like none of what we taught was true and that it was bad and such. So she opened her Bible for more direction. She then stumbled upon a verse, (I can't remember where it was), that basically said to beware of false prophets and that you will be able to tell someone is a false prophet if they don't talk of Jesus Christ. But if they do talk of Jesus Christ and His divinity, then it is true and good.
So she shared that with us and then was like, "So then I read things like this and I think... well all they talk about is Jesus Christ! So it must be true and good... but I just don't know!"
Now, this story may not seem that cool to you all, but its these small bits of progress that really are amazing! I have received many spiritual witnesses that I may not be able to see the fruits of my labors while I'm here in Corning, but I know that good things will come. I just have to make my focus not on myself, but on the people I'm working with, and miracles will come in their lifetimes. I know I am definitely here for a reason :)
In general, this was a pretty hard week for me. I was pretty burdened down with worries and things. I had some good conversations with some members, my companion, my Heavenly Father, and even received a blessing from the elders. I was feeling really stressed and didn't know where to turn. Finally one day during my study I was reading something in an Ensign and I came across this quote. It brought so much peace to me and answered all of my concerns. it said,
"Each of us will have our own Fridays - those days when the universe itself seems shattered and the shards of our world lie littered about us in pieces. We will all experience those broken times when it seems we can never be put back together again. We will all have our Fridays.
"But I testify to you in the name of the One who conquered death- Sunday will come.
"No matter our desperation, no matter our grief, Sunday will come. In this life or the next, Sunday will come."
This quote by Joseph B Wirthlin is referring to the Friday when Christ was crucified and the Sunday when He was resurrected. As I thought about the contrast of how dark to how light those two days were, I compared it to my own life. We all have Friday's (hard, dark, sad days) in our lives. Days when everything seems broken and hopeless. But Because of Christ, we also can have our Sundays. He promises us, that Sunday will come. I know that all the sad and unfair things about this life, can and will be made right because of the atonement of Jesus Christ. That is my hope and my prayer.
I hope you all have a great week. THE CHURCH IS TRUE. Ok. mmmmmmmm bye now.
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Sister Langford
PS. Shout out to Jeff. OH MY GOSH YOU ARE HOME. #weird