Monday, March 25, 2013

Mish Monday: You are Hereby Called to Serve...

Hello peeps! Welcome to Mish Monday Episode 2!

Today my post is directed at those of you who are either waiting for your call, putting your papers in soon, or are just planning on going on a mission some day! I want to talk about the over powering question that eats at your mind until you have the answer...


It's seriously overwhelming. The anxiety only picks up once the papers are in. And then, once people know you are waiting for your call they always ask you the same question...

"So, where do you want to go?"

I guess that is more what I want to talk to ya'll about today. You see, it is easy to get caught up in the trap of "well it would be so fun to go to..." Trust me I get it. We think we know what would be best for us, or what would be most fun. Some people absolutely have their heart set on going foreign, or learning a language... but let me tell you something, that's not why you are going. And if it is, do a study abroad or go on a vacation to that dream place. You are not going on a mission to learn a language or see cool sights (although those things may happen) You are going out to serve the Lord.

So before I got my call (like the day before) I was super nervous about where I was going to go. I was nervous about going to a scary foreign country. Nervous about learning a language. Nervous about being disappointed... just nervous. I decided to say a prayer to find comfort. I felt like I had received new insight on the matter. I felt comforted, so I decided to write in my journal so I could remember the important lesson I had learned. I wrote...

"I know this will be challenging, but I also know it will be one of the most rewarding and life changing experiences I can have. I know I don't know where I'm going, but it doesn't really matter. I know where ever I go, I'm going because God knows I can do my best there. I can serve the people and serve my Heavenly Father. I hope I can be an influence for good where ever I go!"

I finally realized that it doesn't matter where I go. Not at all. All that matters is that I am willing to submit to my Father in Heaven and serve him with all my might, mind and strength.

When I actually opened my call and read "New York Utica" I felt at peace. It was like I had known that was where I was going all along. It seemed foolish of me to be worried about where I would serve.

I cannot tell you how excited I am to serve the people of New York! And remember, it doesn't matter where you serve, it matters WHO you serve :)

PS. Pretend like you didn't notice that the NY on my shirt is backwards... holla for selfies!

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