I absolutely love it here. At first it was kind of hard... and
overwhelming. But what they say is true. Make it to Sunday and you
are golden.
absolutely adore my district! Which is probably good since we literally
spend all day together in a teeny classroom! The Elders and hilarious
and I love all the sisters to death! Most of us are going to Utica but
weirdly 3 of the Elders in our district are going to Uganda. So we will
miss them a lot when they are gone! All of us sisters share a room so
we've all gotten really close. To quote our dear Sister Bangerter
"Every time our district is together its like 2 am at a sleep over".
Basically we all are really slap happy. But we all love each other so
much! Which has been a huge blessing! It almost feels like we have been
friends forever which is so cool! My companion's name is Sister Church
(ironic we know) but we get along so great and teach really well
together. Which has been fantastic.
hard to think of what we have even done since we've been here! Study,
like a lot! I've never studied and prayed so much in my life! But it has
for real made a huge impact in my life! We have two teachers. Their
names are Sister Gibson and Brother Felstead, (not how you spell it but
whatever). They are so great and have helped me progress so so much! We
doing a lot of role playing here. We have been teaching Sister Gibson
(pretending to be an investigator named Selam). It has been such a
strengthening experience! I have really learned how important it is to
follow the spirit when you are teaching. There was one time Sister
Church and I went in and tried to teach Selam, but we just didn't really
have the spirit. We had had a really long, tiring day. So we just gave
the lesson we prepared. It went ok, but just not fantastic! The next
time we went it, we prepared a little less, and relied on the spirit a
whole lot more. The lesson was one of the more incredible things I have
every felt. We were totally led by the spirit and ended up teaching not
exactly what we had expected, but exactly what she needed to hear. Even
though it was a fake investigator, the experience was so real. I'm so
much less nervous to get out to Utica, and so much more excited to go!
PS: Thank you to everyone who sent me letters and packages! I currently
have more candy and junk food than any person should have in their life!
Haha! Everyday my district leader Elder Geilman goes "um... Sister
Langford... there's another package for you..." haha my district thinks
its hilarious! But they love me since I share!
Well, before I go, I wanted to share some hillarious moments that happened this week
Moment 1:
"Elder Farris have you read D&C 6? It's gorgeous!" - Elder Geilman
Moment 2:
"How do you spell prison?" - Sister Lynes
Moment 3:
of the Elders going to Uganda was reading the part of 1 Nephi where it
says the Lamanites were cursed with black skin and asked our teacher,
"What the heck am I supposed to tell the Africans?!?"
"What the heck am I supposed to tell the Africans?!?"
Moment 4:
Everyone in my district (including elders) throwing up the double peace sign and calling it the "Sister Langford"
Moment 5:
Elder Allred thinking he found a super cool and uplifing scripture to share... only to find its not..
" I thought it said leading AWAY from whoredoms! Not TO whoredoms!"
Haha as you can tell, we find joy in the little things!
that's really all for now! I leave for Utica early Tuesday morning so I
won't get another P day for a week and a half... so this will have to
hold ya'll over until then!
Love you all and thanks for the support!
Sister Langford
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