Hello hello!
it was another crazy and exciting week in Cooperstown! Honestly quite a
few things happened this week so I really don't even know where to
I guess its going to have to go to a bullet point list!
1. My awesome Investigator:

-Oh my goodness! I have the greatest story about our amazing
investigator. So our dearest investigator has been having a really hard
time quitting smoking. Honestly that is the only reason she hasn't
already been baptized. So we have been praying for her and trying to
help her the best we can. Well last Sunday she received a priesthood
blessing that she would be able to quit. 3 days after that we received a
text from her that said she had been completely cigarette free since
the blessing! Since then she still hasn't smoked! We even overheard her
telling a less-active with a smoking problem that "you should get a
priesthood blessing because they really help you if you put your faith
in Christ!". I'm sorry she is just too amazing! So now we just have to
wait a month for her to be baptized!
- We went over to teach her and her fam and the children made Sister
Smith and I hold a tree frog they found. So please enjoy the picture of
me holding a tree frog. (On the blog)! Lets just keep adding to the
list of weird animals I have been forced to hold since being on my
mission. You may also throw on there that I held a day old baby kitten
this week as well.

Grandma Dorothy came up with the plan to clean her daughter's (Sister
Bruneau's) kitchen while she was out of town. So Sister Smith and I got
it looking really great! We told Grandma Dorothy to keep it on the DL
who did it. Well I guess when Sister Bruneau walked in she said "Oh,
Sister Langford is the only person who could have cleaned that high up!"
Curse my height for giving us away! But Sister Bruneau got us these
lovely flowers, so I'm not complaining! She is the greatest!

This week we went on an exchange! The beautiful Sister Ashcraft came
and partied with me in Cooperstown! Being in charge this time wasn't as
scary and we had a really great time together! Not to mention we found
the most golden potential investigator ever! The whole time he was
talking all I could think was "wait, are you already a member and you
are just messing with us or what?" But he was legit! We taught him the
first lesson and he told us that he loved what we had to teach and that
he already had a plan to read the Book of Mormon and that he knew he
would be able to tell if it was authentic or not by the Holy Ghost.
Sister Ashcraft and I were just awestruck. Like... ya so when do you
want to get baptized? He even called us afterwards and thanked us and
asked where and when church was! like... what? Here's praying he will
We helped serve at a soup kitchen in Oneonta called 'Saturday's Bread". Our awesome investigator drove us there and helped serve as well! It was a great
opportunity to help out, even if the lady in charge hates mormons and
chewed Sister Smith and I out... What do you do?
This week I have really been thinking about the scripture Heleman 5:12,
which talks about building our foundation upon Christ. I know and I
have seen many hard things come up at me. People constantly telling me
I'm wrong to believe what I do. But more than anything, I keep thinking
about that scripture. I know that if we build our foundation on Christ,
when Satan tries to sway us, when he throws out discouraging thoughts,
or trials, or when he tries to shake our faith, we can overcome it if we
go back to the basics. If we focus on Christ and his atonement we
cannot fall. I want to promise you all that if you put your focus on
Christ, every trial or hardship will seem like a small breeze and you
will be made strong!

that was the gist of the week. Transfers are coming up soon and I am
excited and nervous to see what will happen! We told our investigator and her
family that one of us might be leaving soon. To which one of her sons said "No, you
can't leave! I'm going to make you move into our house!" and his mom said
"Who do I need to talk to to make you stay? The prophet?" and then she also said "You are like nanny mcphee! When we don't want you, but
need you, you will stay. But when we want you, but don't need you, you
must go!" Another of our investigators told us he would 'duct tape us to
a pole so we couldn't leave!" haha There is a strong part of me that
wants to stay in Cooperstown! But, I guess the Lord knows best! Who
knows what will happen!
I love you all! Thanks so much for everything!
Sister Langford