We were so blessed to have 5 investigators at church again this Sunday! (too bad they had to listen to me speak in Sacrament meeting... but what can you do? One of our super investigators came again and brought 4 of her 5 sons! They all had a blast and afterwards were asking when they could get baptized and if their family could be sealed in the temple! Ah! They are darling. Also, WE SET A BAPTISM DATE FOR THEIR MOM! So excited!
Another investigator came to church as well, she brought her sister. WE SET A BAPTISM DATE FOR THIS INVESTIGATOR AS WELL! AH! love her. She even signed up on the sheet to feed us dinner. How cute are they? I'm going to tell you all a secret. I LOVE MY INVESTIGATORS! They are probably the greatest people on this earth. We have been so so blessed!
Also this week we made a trip out to the faraway town of Edmeston (which is in our area, but like an hour away! Curse rural New york!) We definitely had some good times there.
1. We saw the amish. (We see amish everywhere, but they were really prevelent in this town!)
2. We met a man who looks EXACTLY like Morgan Freeman. No joke. Also I gave him a Book of Mormon... so who knows? Haha!
4. We met with a less-active who has made the unfortunate decision to become a J-dub.
5. We found the place where they make Chobani yogurt. yay for yogurt.
Well, that was basically the week. This week I really learned the importance of always being exactly obedient. Even when you aren't a missionary! When we don't live up to the commandments the only thing we are doing is withholding blessings... and like, who wants that?
Well I love you all! Mmmmm bye now!
Sister Langford
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