Hello everyone!
how is it even Monday again. That makes no sense to me. Bah. Anyway,
this week kind of just happened and I'm not even really sure what to
write about... There were a lot of random things that happened so let us
talk about those.
Here we go.
We moved into our new house! Hurray! Unfortunately I forgot to take any
pictures of it... but just know that it is fantastic! (pics to come
next week!)
EASTER. Easter was so fun we had 2 1/2 Easter dinners. All of which
were delicious and filled us up to the brim! The members here are too
good! :)
HIGHLIGHT OF MY WEEK. Floyd rolled into church looking so sharp! This week he rolls into church in a full
black suit, white shirt and tie. Not to mention he got a hair cut and
was carrying an Easter basket full of goodies for Sister Davis and I. It
was seriously the best transformation I have ever seen. Ah man, Floyd
is the best.
The cool moments...
We had a really good lesson with one investigator this week that really put me in
the Easter mood. We were talking to her about the Atonement and
repentance and all that good stuff. Anyway, the spirit was really strong
and it was really hitting her hard. I then felt inspired to share a
story with her, that I would now like to share with you all! This story
comes from a talk given by Stephan E Robinson called "believing
I had come home from school one day, I was sitting in a chair reading
the newspaper. My daughter Sarah, who was seven years old, came in and
said, “Dad, can I have a bike? I’m the only kid on the block who doesn’t
have a bike.”
Well, I didn’t have enough money to buy her a bike, so I stalled her and said, “Sure, Sarah.”
She said, “How? When?”
I said, “You save all your pennies, and pretty soon you’ll have enough for a bike.” And she went away.
came out and she had a little jar all cleaned up with a slit cut in the
lid and a bunch of pennies in the bottom. She looked at me and said,
“You promised me that if I saved all my pennies, pretty soon I’d have
enough for a bike. And, Daddy, I’ve saved every single one of them.”
my daughter, and I love her. My heart melted. She was doing everything
in her power to follow my instructions. I hadn’t actually lied to her.
If she saved all of her pennies she would eventually have enough for a
bike, but by then she would want a car. But her needs weren’t being met.
Because I love her, I said, “Let’s go downtown and look at bikes.”
We went to every store in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. Finally we found it—the perfect bicycle,
the one she knew in the premortal existence. She got up on that bike;
she was thrilled. She then saw the price tag, reached down, and turned
it over. When she saw how much it cost, her face fell and she started to
cry. She said, “Oh Dad, I’ll never have enough for a bicycle.”
So I said, “Sarah, how much do you have?”
She answered, “Sixty-one cents.”
tell you what. You give me everything you’ve got and a hug and a kiss,
and the bike is yours.” Well, she’s never been stupid. She gave me a hug
and a kiss. She gave me the sixty-one cents. Then I had to drive home
very slowly because she wouldn’t get off the bike. She rode home on the
sidewalk, and as I drove along slowly beside her it occurred to me that
this was a parable for the Atonement of Christ.
all want something desperately—it isn’t a bicycle. We want the
celestial kingdom. We want to be with our Father in Heaven. And no
matter how hard we try, we come up short. At some point we realize, “I
can’t do this!” It is at that point that the sweetness of the gospel
covenant comes to our taste as the Savior proposes, “I’ll tell you what.
All right, you’re not perfect. How much do you have? What can you
do? Where are you now? Give me all you’ve got, and I’ll pay the rest.
Give me a hug and a kiss; enter into a personal relationship with me,
and I will do what remains undone.”
Let's finish up with some funny quotes...
lets play rock, paper, scissors to see who has to ask. ok shoot, now be
honest, what did you get?" - Atext message recieved from the elders.
"hey Sister Davis... do you want to go get some... with me... too?" -Elder
"What in the heck is a cheesecake" - Sister Langford forgetting what cheesecake is...
think someone just had a bunch of words in their mouth that they wanted
to use, swished them around in their mouth a bit and then spit them on
the paper. Because seriously this makes zero sense." - Sister Davis
reading Isaiah
Hey, have a good week friends! Pinky promise that next week I will have exciting stories to share! Love you all!
Sister Langford
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