Bonjour my friends.
First of all...
This week was also Zone Training Meeting. Sister Lloyd and I had the opportunity to train on faith to find, which is probably my favorite topic so I was really excited, but also nervous about it. Thankfully, our training went great. The spirit was really powerful and it was so cool because by the end of our training everyone was already adapting the "as if" principal into their lingo and at least 4 people bore their testimony about our training. It was super awesome to see things like that happen. Its's just one more blessing about being a Sister Training Leader. It definitely makes you stretch to your limits, but it's been a really blessed calling for the past... 7 transfers...
Also in our training, we shared a story that I thought I would share with you all, since it's fun and also inspiring :) It goes like this...
There once was a flea named John. John was a super cool flea, for a lot of reasons, but most importantly because he was the highest jumping flea in all the land. John could jump so high that sometimes the other fleas thought that John could fly. One day John and all his flea friends were jumping around when a human scooped them up and put them in a jar. Now, this was no problem for John, because he could just jump on out, but then the human put a lid on the jar and screwed it on tight.
At first, John continued to jump as high as he had before, but after a couple of times hitting the lid, he realized that it wasn't as fun as it was before. After a short time, John became conditioned to jump just below the lid of the jar. Even after the lid was removed, John only jumped to just below the lid.
Now, nothing had changed physically in John. He still had the ability to jump far out of the jar. Yet, in his mind, he had forgotten his potential. He had set his expectations lower, and he could no longer accomplish what he once could.
Sometimes in life, we are like John. We have the ability to be great, to exceed every expectation, (remember, in the pre-earth life we were like John, before he was put in the jar), but sometimes in life we have experiences that put a lid on our expectations. We lower our expectations, we settle, and we live far below our potential.
Thankfully, we still have the potential to be great and to remove those lids! That's where faith in Jesus Christ and His atonement comes in. Through Christ we can succeed and exceed all of our expectations. It is all through Him.
Thank you all for indulging my story time. Now back to the miracles of the week.
1. Our new Investigators K & A. It blows my mind that it was less than 2 weeks ago that we met them. They are doing so amazing and progressing like mad. They have both been bearing testimony to us of how much more peace they have felt in their lives since meeting us. They have felt so much guidance from the Book of Mormon. It's such a blessing to see them grow.
2. Mr. G. is also doing amazing. He has switched his baptism date to Aug 30th so that he can find an apartment to live in before his baptism. His face seriously glows every time we talk with him. It's amazing to see someone so changed by the gospel.
3. Another little story. This week we had an evening where pretty much everything fell through. We were feeling a little discouraged for one reason or another and feeling a little pointless as we walked around. Finally after feeling hopeless for about 5 minutes, we decided to pray for direction. As soon as we finished praying, we looked up and saw two guys sitting on the steps of an apartment complex. Instantly we both started to walk towards them. Miraculously, we were able to teach them the restoration and you could tell that they both had been prepared to meet us that day. They are now both investigating and doing well. For me it was just another tender mercy from the Lord. Just Him reaching out to me when I was feeling a little discouraged and lost.
4. We found many other people and miracles come out like crazy... but I'm low on time, so just know that this week was blessed and I could go on and on and on and on.
But here's one funny quote...
"One time, I had an ice cream breakfast for sandwich." -Sister Lloyd
Another great week to come!
Sister Langford
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