this week has been a roller coaster. I swear, every minute on a mission
has like a thousand ups and downs. But, lets talk about the ups right?
we found and taught quite a few new people. I think my best experience
this week was teaching this great investigator . Ugh, I just love her.
She is so smart and she is just searching! So she had us over and we
talked to her for a really long time! She just asks so many questions
and goes off on a lot of tangents. But anyway, as we were teaching her,
the spirit was so strong and we started teaching her about faith and
repentance and baptism, which we had kind of done before. But Sister
Smith just looked at her and said "I just... have to ask you a question.
Will you be baptized?" and she just sort of looked stunned. She was
like "Well I know you girls would only ask if you really meant it, but
no I don't think I want to." So then we asked some questions about why
she felt that way, and we were able to address her concerns. Then Sister
Smith and I both bore powerful testimonies of the importance of baptism
and the blessing of having the Holy Ghost. But she was still not sure.
She was really concerned about not knowing the Book of Mormon is true and
things like that. So then I told her about how I gained a testimony of
the Book of Mormon, how she can too, and then I really bore my soul to
her about the Book of Mormon. It was one of those moments where I didn't
know what I was going to say, but the Holy Ghost just filled my mouth
and she started crying too! It was crazy powerful! When we left, she
still hadn't committed to baptism, but you could see a change. She is
just so on the right path. I know she can do it!
this week I went on my first exchange! Since Sister Smith is a sister
training leader (so basically I am too), I was in charge of training the
other Sister (who has also been out like 2 weeks), and being in charge
of our area. Needless to say, I was terrified, and basically not excited
at all. But I did it. I took charge! It ended up being really great! I
really learned how much I can do! Its true what they say "God doesn't
call the qualified, he qualifies the called!" It was such a growing
experience for me! It really taught me to, (Mormon cliches comin' up),
"Come what may and love it", "Try a little harder to be a little better"
and "Forget myself and go to work!"
Well team, that's all for now! Hang in there! Thanks for all the support.
Sister Langford
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