has been quite the week in New York! Let me tell ya, we started out
July right! I feel like I have just been getting more and more into the
missionary mode. It's hard work, but it builds character. That has been
my motto for this week. Let me explain.
Yay! Haha Last night we taught her Word of Wisdom and threw away all her coffee! We are so excited for her.
Now here's where the hard work comes in.
weekend we had a really great service opportunity. There has been some
serious flooding here in Herkimer. Tons of damage. So all the
missionaries in my zone got to be part of the Mormon Helping Hands! I
shoveled mud for two days straight. 8 hours a day. It was how you say...
exhausting. The worst moment was when we were helping this one family
move all of their stuff out of their basement. It was all completely
covered in muck and I swear they were hoarders. They had SO MUCH STUFF.
But anyway, we were carrying it out and a man handed me a box and said
"this one should be covered in JUST mud" and I was like........ I'm
sorry what? Are you implying that these boxes have been covered in
things other than mud. Needless to say, I have never been so disgusting
and tired in my life! But it was really great to help. You could tell
the people really needed it! We actually get to go help again this week!
Hello muscles! So... the work was really hard. and hot. but... it builds
character right?
So that was the week! Thanks for all the support! Love you all!
Sister Langford
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