Monday, September 9, 2013

Great New Companion & Angel Moroni's Back Scratcher!!

Hey kids,
Well, a new chapter of Cooperstown living has begun. I am officially in charge of all that happens here. Can you say stressful? I have a deep rooted fear that I am going to completely fail the area... like seriously, why has anyone given me any authority? But its been good! Change is stressful and hard, but without it we would never be able to grow and learn, so I truly am thankful for this opportunity! Wednesday was the day of big changes! But before we get to that, let me fill you in on the last legs of Sister Smith and My race!
-Sister Smith packed.
-We ate at a restaraunt that was too expensive and not even good #cooperstownproblems.
-We helped a family in the branch move down the street (tons of fun plus we got chocolate and pizza out of the deal).
-A less active member told us she once was a true cat lady with 29 cats.... we laughed. love her.
- We said goodbye to one of our favorite people, the ice cream lady (she in turn calls us "the Ice-cream girls") who we visited all the time at the ice cream shop she owned. She moved back to Arizona, but we got to give her a Book of Mormon, and she promised us she would go to church when she got home. You're welcome missionaries in Arizona.
- We drove to Utica, with Sister Smith's baggage tied to the top of a rusty mini van.  Sweet!!

Then the change happened and I got the lovely Sister Hansen! I have loved having her here! Sister Hansen and I have something in common, long hair. Within the first 8 hours of us being companions we were dubbed the "long-hair sisters", the "rapunzels" and asked if "mormons can't cut their hair".... only more fun to come I'm sure :)
Well we had some good, spiritual instances. I know that Heavenly Father has been helping me out this past week. Here's what happened...
1. Trish told us a story about when we first taught her about tithing. She said she had prayed about it that night to know if it was something she could do. The next day we went to a soup kitchen together. While we were at the soup kitchen, Trish was working next to this random guy. They were talking about life and eventually got on the subject of money. Well the man she was talking to told her that what had helped him more than anything else was paying his tithing. She then asked what church he belonged to, since she had never heard of anyone else paying tithing. He began to explain that he hadn't been active in the mormon church for a while, but still payed his tithing, because he knew he couldn't go with out the blessings. Trish said she knew right then that she could, and had to, pay her tithing! That this was an answer to her prayers! Such a blessing to know that Heavenly  Father  is looking out for us and always answer our prayers :)
2. I have learned a lot about patience and faith. I know that I can't be in charge of this area, or make anything happen without my Heavenly Father's help. It all comes down to his timing. I found a quote this morning in PMG (Preach my Gospel),  that I loved...
" Life is full of difficulties, some minor and others of a more serious nature. There seems to be an unending supply of challenges for one and all. Our problem is that we often expect instantaneous solutions to such challenges, forgetting that frequently the heavenly virtue of patience is required" - Thomas S. Monson
I know the Lord is helping me, and that things will happen in his time-table, if we have faith and are dilligent!
Now for some humor...
1. One of Trish's boys asked me why the angel on temples has a back scratcher.
....and that's all I've got for you this week! Anyway, love you all, thanks for the support!  Keep on keeping on :)
Sister Langford
PS: Apparently I hit my 100 day mark! Who knew?

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