CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! Oh my goodness where has the time gone? Its
Christmas THIS WEEK. Can I say I'm pumped? Anyway, this week has been
very eventful so get ready to hold on to your seats. Shall we begin?
The random facts:
ZTM. Aka Zone Training Meeting was good times. We made the long (10
minute) drive to Potsdam in the -15 degree weather. Good times. But we
had a very uplifting meeting focused on the Christmas season... so no
2. Exchange with Sister Reid! Sister Reid is the
greatest and our exchange was so fun! She got to come join me in the
lovely town of Norwood. I had my first opportunity to take over the area
and it went really well. A random family ended up letting us in and then
pelted us with 1000 questions while one of the teenagers tried to get us
to swear. Good times.
3. Caroling. That's right. We joined the Young
men and women in a nice caroling extravaganza. it was fun, and cold, and
very Christmas spirited.
4. So
good news everyone. St Lawrence County was under a "state of emergency"
due to a serious ice storm. So what does that mean? We weren't allowed
to drive our car or really go anywhere for 2 days. It seriously put a
damper on our missionary work. It was like this, imagine the entire town
of Norwood covered in a 1/4 inch of ice. #icestorm. And then it was
like this, frozen hair, canceled church, and slippery side walks. It
made for a good weekend is all I'm saying. THANK GOODNESS they lifted
this state of emergency so we could go out today! To quote one of the
elders here, "In my time in the North Country they have over reacted
about EVERY storm. So you are fine."
5. This morning we spent an hour digging our
car out of the snow. So I'll let you decide what I think about the
weather up here.
The work:
Oh my gosh FLOYD WAS BAPTIZED! It was such a blessing that it ended up
going ok! A huge storm came in and EVERYONE was telling us to cancel it.
But we said, "Nope. if Floyd can get here, the show goes on!" Well thank
goodness he made it! There was such a sweet simple spirit as we watched
Floyd enter the waters of baptism. I will be forever grateful I could
be part of his journey.
2. Can I just say, the Lord truly blesses us when
we are willing to do whats hard. On Sunday morning we were feeling
really bummed. Church had been canceled so we had NO IDEA what to do all
day... especially consideting the looming ice storm. Well, we finally
concluded that we should just go out anyway and see who we could find in
Norwood. THE FIRST potential we tried to see let us in. We had a super
awesome lesson with her. She said she wanted to learn more and that she
wanted to read the Book of Mormon. Here's praying we can help her and
her family progress! She reminded me so much of Trish and I couldn't
help but think of Trish's progression in the gospel and hope the same
for this woman!
3. We picked up a new investigator! Her name is Brandi. She is 9. She is crazy yet endearing. Did she remind me of
Emmalee? Maybe. Anyway, we met her through her grandma.
Also, Brandi tends to think that sister missionaries are really, really,
really, great.
December 22nd:

shout out to everyone who sent me birthday cards and gifts. You made
the day good! Even though the day was spent trecking through the snow it
ended up being a real good day! In the evening one of the members in our
branch came and picked us up (since we still weren't allowed to drive)
and we and a nice birthday dinner! They even made me a cupcake tower! It
was very fun and made my birthday great! So grateful to have such
awesome members here in Norwood!
The Christmas Spirit:
So here's a story. This week I had been praying for two things
1. Charity towards this one investigator of ours
2. To feel more of the Christmas spirit.

thank goodness Heavenly Father answered both of those prayers. We were
in a lesson with said investigator and they were going off about how
hard Christmas was going to be this year, how their paycheck had been
cut and how they didn't know what to do. All of a sudden I had an
overwhelming feeling of peace come over me and I thought, we need to
help this family out. Some how, we need to help. As soon as we walked
out of the lesson I told Sister Bezzant what we needed to do. Lucky for
me she goes along with all of my crazy plans. So we contacted the local
food pantry and got A TON of food. Then we went to some stores and
bought a couple of little presents for them. Then we did a secret drop
off. I don't want you to think I'm telling this story because I think
what we did was cool or whatever. I know that this was an opportunity
from Heavenly Father to become better. I know that he answered my
prayers by giving me a chance to grow. That chance to serve helped me
gain more charity towards this investigator, and invited the Christmas
spirit into our missionary work. I know that if we ask, Heavenly Father
will give us chances to be better. To learn and to grow. We need only

I am so grateful for this Christmas season where
we can grow closer to Christ and remember his birth. To quote President
Monson, "To better understand the Spirit of Christmas, we need only drop
the last
syllable and it becomes the Spirit of Christ." I know we can all have the spirit of Christ in our hearts all year long!
Thank you everyone and HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMAS
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