Well hello there.
This week was rather eventful so hang on to your seats. Are you ready for all the news? Ok good.
The randoms:
YOU GUYS. It snowed a ton here. Literally one ton. Haha just kidding.
But it happened over night. Saturday night we go to bed with some light
flurries of snow fall, the next morning... BAM. we are spending 45
minutes shoveling our car out of our drive way. Plus I must say that I
was disappointed by the North Country's weak effort at braving the snow.
Only 25 people came to church (and keep in mind that 8 of those people
are missionaries). Lame. I expected more from these Northerners!
This week I got to go on a wonderful exchange with the lovely Sister
Miller. I spent a lovely day in the village of LAKE PLACID. Lake Placid
is so smooth. It's like New York's version of Park City. So cool. They
even held the winter olympics there in the 80's. Its cool.... literally.
But it reminded me of home to be tucked into the side of the Adirondack
Mountains. Also, I found a ice sculpture there... and a Gap. So that
was all very exciting.
The jokes:
While eating dinner with a member they told us we needed to "rock and
wiggle" like a sumo wrestler to stretch out our stomach's so we could
eat more. um....
2. "I'm makin' a Birthday cake for Jesus. So ya'll had better be there!" - (how we get invited places for Christmas).
3. "His house should probably be condemned....but he has a sweet dog so..." - Elder
4. "He looked exactly like Floyd.... except he had a mustache so he was way different" - Elder
The uplifting:
FLOYD IS GETTING BAPTIZED THIS WEEK! He is very excited and so so so
ready. I'm so happy I can be here when this happens! Its weird to not
have taught him the entire time, But I still know that there's a reason
I'm here now! I'll keep you posted on how the baptism goes!
2. New investigator. This lady is probably the
coolest investigator ever. Her mom was recently baptized. At her baptism, she felt the spirit so strong and realized she needed it in her
life too. Since then she has been so solid and amazing. We had a really
great lesson this week with her. Here's praying we can help her make the
changes necessary to partake of the gospel! SHE IS SO GREAT!
...and a Christmas message:
hey did you know that Christmas is in 9 days? Crazy. I'm getting way
excited that's for sure! But this week we were told an incredible
Christmas story.
Let me set the stage first...
morning I was having kind of a rough day. Like just feeling kind of
blah. So I prayed that Heavenly Father would help me feel his love and
recognize my purpose more. Then for lunch we went to a member's home,
Sister Bond. We shared a Christmas message with her then after we were
talking. She said "Sisters, I want to tell you my favorite Christmas
memory and how I know God love us and blesses us." So we consented and
she began to tell this story....
It was many years ago. Back when her
now grown boys were just kids. Sister Bond was very low on money and
didn't know what she was going to do for Christmas. She pooled all her
money and realized she would only be able to buy maybe one gift each for
her boys. She went to her sons and told them they could pick one thing
that they really really wanted for Christmas. She left the boys to think
about it. A few minutes later the oldest boy came out and said "Mom, do
you think we would have enough money to buy gifts for the family down
the road?" The family down the road was struggling even more than they.
The Bonds had tried to help them out on previous occasions as well.
Sister Bond thought for a minute then said, "Yes, we could do that. You
realize that means you wouldn't get any gifts for Christmas right?" They
said that was ok. The boys had a wonderful time as they went to the
store and picked out presents for the family down the street. They
wrapped the presents and then a few days before Christmas, anonymously
dropped them off at the family's door.
The next day, Sister Bond was in the
kitchen when she heard a knock on the door and a car speeding away. She
went out to see who was there. When she opened the door she saw a huge
box FULL of presents for her boys. Each boy ended up getting around 8 or
9 gifts.
Sister Bond then told us that that
single memory has meant more to her than any other Christmas story. She
knew that because they sacrificed and did what the Savior would do, they
were blessed. She said that she knows that God is there. That he is
willing to bless us. That he loves us. That when we do what's right he
will always, always bless us.
That story touched my heart and I knew
that it was an answer to me of how much Heavenly Father loves each of
us! I know that if during this Christmas we focus on giving to our
Savior we will be blessed 100 fold.
And that was the week. :) HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY :)
Sister Langford
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