Ok! This is really getting ridiculous. I don't even feel like a week happened. Was I not just writing this email 5 seconds ago? I'm telling you, time is flying AND ITS SO WEIRD. But that's ok, because I think this week was really good. Let's talk about it.
1. our phone broke. Like, what the heck is up with all these technical difficulties for the Norwood sisters? Its a real struggle. So basically we are back to doing missionary work like in the dark ages... where they sent handwritten letters to their investigators and carried the gold plates with them. bah!
2. This week is going to be crazy. We are doing back to back exchanges along with Zone Conference in the middle. Not to mention that for both exchanges, I'm taking over the area. Something I wasn't super excited about at first.... but I know its what I need to do. Seeing as in 4 1/2 weeks, I will permanently be taking over the area!
3. Last Monday we saw an old lady crash into a pole at a grocery store. She then proceeded to just drive away with her bumper dragging on the ground. Everyone in the parking lot was just in awe.... Sister Bezzant and I were just dying laughing. Oh man... New York Problems.
Missionary life...
1. This week we had 2 investigators at church! Yah! It's always baby steps, but when you see someone come to church, your heart just gets so so so excited! ah! I love when people go to church. This week it was an awesome lady and her daughter. (Their second time!) and a new investigator we picked up this week... more to come.. So that made Sunday very exciting! Also, we taught YW's which was a joy :)
2. Here's the thing about Floyd, he's the best. He basically just takes in wayward souls, nurtures them, reads them the scriptures, makes them watch every church movie he has in his possession, then turns them over to us to teach. Like, why can't everyone be as great as Floyd at missionary work? So that is where Amanda came from. She has had a lot of trials and bad choices in her life, but she really wants to change! The best part is, WE GET TO HELP HER CHANGE! and that's why I love the gospel. :)
3. We have a less-active who the sisters have been trying to meet with since the beginning of time.... with no success. Well, this week we finally had a lesson with her! It was so perfect and she made goals for herself to come back to church.... including meeting with the sisters once a week! So that is so so so exciting. Like I said early, missionary work is about the baby-steps that bring someone to salvation!
4. This week we had a way sweet lesson with the another family. We invited them to be baptized.... AND HE SAID YES! He wouldn't set a day, but I really think that they are just on the verge of progressing. There are so many great and amazing things that are just on the verge of happening here in Norwood and I'm way excited about them!
5. This other cute couple are coming along like champs! This week we taught them about Lehi's Dream. It was such an inspired lesson. We were teaching and they were just spewing out all this amazing doctrine like they had been members forever! She made a very insightful comment about "Satan's plan to be to get rid of our agency" and he made a nice comment about "being able to repent and leave the Great and Spacious Building" It was so great. This couple makes me so happy :)
6. and I just like being a missionary.
I just wanted to remind all of you that Heavenly Father loves you. Sometimes, when my days are rough, I forget. I get stressed or whatever and I think I am on my own. But then I think back on every single time that I have seen God's hand in my life and I know that even now.... even always, He is there, and He loves me. Just never forget that simple truth :)
aaaaand.... the funny stuff...
1. "So I was reading in the Old Bible.... um I mean... Old Testament..." - Elder
2. "Be careful when you are walking to your car in case you get eaten by an alligator!" -4 year old during an ice storm...
3. "Hey guys, I took a dump in the parking lot... so I brought you these doughnuts" - Elder
4. "So what happens if we don't reach our goal for number of conversations this year?" -random member
"Then you are all going to Hell" - Stake rep.
ah... the humor of Potsdam! Well, that was the week up here in the North Country. Like I said, I blinked and it was over. Anyway, have a great week everyone!
Sister Langford
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