Hello everyone!
My oh my what a random week this one was! I feel like I haven't seen a week that was so busy and random and crazy in a while! Not to mention it was CRAZY cold. I know you all like my North Country weather reports so I am going to keep them coming. But seriously, it was so cold that there was frost on my hair when we were walking around. bleck. Anyway, here is the news of the week :)
1. Last Monday we went bowling as a district. It was way funny because we went to a super ghetto bowling alley up in Massena! Like, you had to keep score your self! But it was good times. I ended coming in second place out of everyone. I'm just throwing that out there!
2. Some of our recent converts gave a crock pot... So now I'm super into making things in crock pots. If anyone wants to tell me how to do it, that would be great!
3. This week was crazy! We went on two exchanges, both of which I took over Norwood for! The first day I spent with the lovely Sister Hunting of Lake Placid! We froze a little bit, but had a wonderful time! Then we hit up Zone Conference, which was super inspiring and amazing and I loved it. We then did switch number two and the wonderful Sister Pipe from Temple Square, but more recently Plattsburgh joined me in Norwood. Also fun fact, Sister Pipe is 6 feet tall! I finally had a companion who was taller than me and it was crazy!
the AMAZING missionary miracles:
1. Remember Sister A? The investigator we picked up last week who Floyd basically just handed to us? (ah Floyd is the best) Well, we taught her again this week and it was crazy. Her entire countenance seemed to have changed. She said how much she loved church and how she really just felt like she belonged! She told us how this week she has really felt like God was with her. So we taught her our lesson and afterwards we asked her if she would like to be baptized and she was like "absolutely! I think this is where I need to be. I want to buy an apartment in Potsdam so I can live closer to the church!" WHAT!?! So then we were like "Well, would you like to set a day for your baptism?" and she said "YES!" so basically we set her to be baptized on March 1st! so so so so so excited to see an investigator progressing! ah I love it!
2. I feel like I could literally write every single blog about how amazing Floyd is. This week we had an experience that probably takes some back story for it to make sense.
So then later this week we were talking to another member and she was saying how some day we are going to see people like Floyd as they really are. Their worldly "shell" will be peeled off and we will be amazed by how incredible they are. I just know how true that is! My testimony is continually strengthened on the idea of God looking upon our hearts, and not on outward appearances. If only we could all be perfect at that! Ah man, I just want to say that FLOYD IS THE BEST!
3. Yesterday Sister Bezzant felt really strongly that we needed to knock this trailer park in the middle of Norwood. So we start knocking... with seriously no success. Everyone is like slamming their doors, or just straight up ignoring us. So we are like.... sweet. Then we come to this trailer and knock on the door. Right away it opens up and this guys comes out and is like "oh I guess you guys are looking for me!" um.... we were very confused... but we rolled with it. So we said "I guess so!" So he's like, "Ok, follow me. We can go back to my house!" So naturally we follow him across the street to his house. He turns around and we are like "So.... who are you?" haha! Well, turns out he is a less-active in the area who we had thought moved! I guess the Lord wanted him found :) I love when we can be at just the right place at just the right time to do the Lord's work! Ah its so good!
and now the best story....
As mentioned previously, this week was a week of never ending exchanges and Zone Conference. But, it was also a week of the Lord putting us just where He needs us! If I didn't know God was in charge before this week, I definitely do now!
Well, after Zone Conference, Sister Pipe and I started up on our exchange (my second of the week). We decided we should drop off her stuff at the apartment, then head off to our appointments for the evening. Well, she ran in to the bathroom and I thought I should check the phone. I look at the phone.... EVERY SINGLE ONE OF OUR APPOINTMENTS CANCELED. Not to mention that that night it was like 20 below... so we couldn't very well just walk around! I was like "oh shoot. what are we supposed to do tonight? All of my back ups include being in the outdoors... and we can't do that!" Needless to say, I was stressing hard core. So Sister Pipe comes out of the bathroom and is like "um... does your water not work?" surprise! All of our pipes had once again frozen, and no one could come fix them until the next day. So basically I was like "WHAT THE HECK ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO?" I was so drained and I seriously couldn't think. So we start calling people, our companions, Zone leaders, AP's, mission office, ect. They worked together to come to the conclusion that we couldn't stay in our apartment that night, so we would need to go sleep over at the nearest sisters apartment!
THE NEAREST SISTERS WERE SISTER SMITH AND SISTER CHURCH! Hurray! So I was still a little frazzled, but we packed up and drove straight on the Gouvenor. Upon arrival we decided to spend the rest of the night working their area, So Sister Pipe and Sister Church headed off to their schedule appointment, while Sister Smith and I (reunited!) went to one of their other investigators.
Here's why I know that God is in charge...
1. Sister Smith had been really stressed and praying that she could have someone to talk to. THAT NIGHT, we ended up in Gouvenor. Coincidence?
2. The investigators Sister Smith and I visited said "we KNEW that the sisters would be visiting us tonight. It seems like every time I have a hard day, you guys show up." Had we not come to Gouvenor that night they wouldn't have seen those investigators! They would have "known" the sisters were coming, and they wouldn't have shown. We made a ton of progress that night with those investigators... and I know that's where we need to be.
So basically, even though it seemed like our night was falling apart, really Heavenly Father just had some where else He needed us to be. So, He made it happen! I'm so grateful for those moments where I can be an instrument in the Lord's hands!
A Taste of Humor...
"Mom, how come girl missionaries only go for a year and a half?" -little member girl
"Because they need less work than the boys!" - member mom :)
"I had to be so quiet, that I was like a ninja mouse... with socks on." -Gouvenor Sisters investigator.
"I'm not going to wear make up all week so then when I do wear it everyone will be like 'Oh my gosh she's stunning!'" - Sister Pipe
Well, thats the week kids! This week should be another adventure! Have a wonderous week!
Now that's a valid reason for a sleepover! Busted pipes are no good, and is worse if the plumbers can take a little bit of time to even get there. But since you were able to solve another problem while solving yours, it looks to be everything looks nice and dandy for the meantime. Looks like your sleepover was a blast!
ReplyDeleteGeorge Fryer @ Plumbing-LongIsland.com