Hello everyone!
Oh man, this week has been STELLAR, and super quick. I will never get over how quickly our weeks fly by. But this morning a miracle happened. It was kind of light when we woke up. I was in shock! I thought to myself "did we accidentally sleep in?" nope, but SPRING IS ON THE WAY... maybe...
Let's talk about this week.
1. We went another entire week without a phone. Do you realize how annoying that is? 2 weeks living the phoneless life. Here's the best part, the second time they sent our phone to Norwood, NEW JERSEY! Like, what the heck are they doing over there? Luckily our mission office intervened and we received a new phone Saturday... which was the best news ever. We cried for joy when we saw our phone and realized we could now enter back into the 21st century. Awesome.
2. While living the phoneless life... guess what happened? Sister Bezzant and I are casually leaving our apartment, headed to a meal appointment, everything is fine and dandy. We are about to enter the car and Sister Bezzant says "shoot... I don't have the keys..." So here's our situation, locked out of our apartment, no keys (to car or apartment), and no phone. We had a small panic moment of "WHAT ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO NOW?" and then we knocked on our neighbors door (who we had never talked to) and used her phone. Luckily we got it all figured out and the member who we were to have dinner with picked us up! but... it was a pretty panicked moment. moral of the story, always keep a spare key in your bag. ALWAYS!!
4. Sister Bezz and I had the wonderful opportunity to present a training to our zone this week... Which was kind of scary... but it went really well! I mean, I would be fine if I didn't have to do it again though.
5. It snowed... A LOT.
Now the cool missionary moments..
1. Another investigator family CAME TO CHURCH! It was so great. We had a lesson with them this week and we asked if they had received any answers to prayers. She said she really felt like they needed to be at church this week she said she realized they have been resisting and she doesn't know why.... so they came. It was so so so so good! Lets pray that they can just keep coming!
2. We had a super cool experience this week. So we were going to try this potential... that we have tried 1000000 times with no success. But, there we were again. And again... no one was home. Which is always super disappointing because they seem so solid. So we are driving away and all of a sudden I thought "we need to go back" and I was really confused. So after a small inner battle I said, "Sister Bezzant I think we need to turn around and go back." So she flipped the car around. We got back to the house... and nothing had changed. Still no car in the drive way. But, we got out and knocked anyway. Knocked once.... nothing.....twice.... still nothing. THEN. They pulled into the drive way. right. then. Clearly, the Lord wanted us talking with them right then! Act in faith on those small promptings you get. I've seen so many good things come from them!
3. We had THE BEST lesson with Sister L this week. The spirit was so so strong... AND WE SET HER WITH A BAPTISM DATE! Let's pray she can make it! She seemed so sure she was going to make it to church this week. more sure than she's ever been. But then last minute, something came up. Lets pray that this is her week to shine!
4. Sweet tracting experience.... so we knocked on this guy's door. He looked at us all skeptically through his screen and said "what do you want?" (this is how the rest of the conversation went)
"We're missionaries from the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints! We would like to share a message with you about Jesus Christ!" - us
"ok... what's your message?" - him
"That the same church that Jesus Christ established when He was on the earth has been restored to the earth today!"- us
"Really? Where's the proof?" - him
*whip out a book of mormon* - us
"oh really? Does the bible talk about it?" - him
*show him a scripture in the bible* - us
"wow... I didn't think you would be able to... ok. Now what?" - him
"Well... can we come in and teach you more?" - us
*lets us in* - him.
Love it when tracting goes like this! So basically we have an appointment with him next week and we will see how that goes!
5. All our other investigators are doing so so good! No complaints from the Norwood sisters :)
The laughs...
"I don't know. All I heard was 'booty-less man'" - Mission leader.
"yeah. we actually have two beer mugs in our apartment" - Zone leaders
"Yup. He was really really short. But he's dead now." - Branch president.
"She's moving into the same apartment complex as us?" - Zone leader 1
"man. It just got a lot easier to go home." - Zone leader 2.
*during a prayer* "I'm calling because.... So what's the deal with this Joseph Smith guy?" -Investigator.
...and that was the week everyone! talk to ya soon.
Sister Langford
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