Hello everyone!
Since this week flew by so quick... there isn't too much to talk about this week. With that disclaimer, if you feel like you are already bored and want to abandon reading this, I wouldn't be offended.
So here's why this week was hectic... We spent two of our days in Utica for a meeting, then one day for PDay, one day for visiting members and avoiding people on super bowl Sunday... So that only left us with three days of work. But that's ok. Here's the cool stuff anyway...
2. Our investigator, Is doing just great! She has a new found commitment to meeting with us 3 times a week! So we will see how it goes. It was a week of small victories for sure.
3. Floyd just keeps being a boss. This week when we were over at his house teaching Amanda and Amanda's sister showed up. Floyd promptly passed her a For the Strength of Youth pamphlet and a Articles of Faith card. He then told us that if she feels good about those he is going to give her a Book of Mormon. I'm telling you. FLOYD IS THE BEST MISSIONARY! So we may start teaching Amanda's sister. Which is sweet. I'm being honest, I think our best finding activity right now is just hanging out at Floyd's house!
4. AMANDA! Amanda is doing so so,
so good! She came to church this week for the third time in a row and SHE BORE HER TESTIMONY! It was so sweet. We had talked to her about faith and repentance this week and it really struck a cord with her because she bore such a sweet testimony about Jesus helping us get rid of guilt and sadness! Ah! I love it!
5. Brandi, our 9 year old investigator, is coming along great! Haha we have to bribe her with games of Clue so she will sit and listen during our lessons. Ah, children.
and the random...
1. Can we talk about the Drive to Utica? Because its both the best and the worst. Basically 6 missionaries cram into this truck and drive 3 1/2 hours each way to Utica. Do I lose feeling in my legs on the way down? Why yes, yes I do. But at the same time, its some of the most entertaining drives you have ever been on with Alex Boye music videos being made and elders trying to write their own EFY songs. Its pretty good.
2. Aaaaaand.... our phone broke.... again. I'm gettin' real sick of all these technical difficulties! But... The Lord works in mysterious ways :)
and the Humor...
"My P Days would be great and not stressful if everything went like it was supposed to. But you know, sometimes my clothes catch on fire." - Sister Stapp.
"Why would anyone keep chickens underneath their house!?" - elder
"Why not? Its like a nice down comforter between your house and the ground!" - Mission Leader.
....and that was the week! I promise, next week will be much more exciting! But I love you all and I hope your week is amazing!
Sister Langford
"Why would anyone keep chickens underneath their house!?" - elder
"Why not? Its like a nice down comforter between your house and the ground!" - Mission Leader.
....and that was the week! I promise, next week will be much more exciting! But I love you all and I hope your week is amazing!
Sister Langford
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