Hello Mis Amigos!!
to put it simply this week has been a week of lots of ups and downs.
Not really from an outside perspective, but in my heart I suppose. That
sounds kind of dramatic.... but let me explain.
transfer, I try and think of one Christ-like attribute that I would
really like to focus on. This transfer I chose "humility." I thought it
would be great! Well the thing is, when you pray for humility, God
doesn't just instantly make you humble, He gives you opportunities to
become humble. Such opportunities are usually not the most cheerful or
fun, but they definitely strengthen you! So Heavenly Father helped me
this week by helping me realize my weaknesses, and mistakes and
compelling me to humility because of them. Not to mention many of our
investigators choosing to drop us this week. But let me tell you
something, this week I feel like I learned much about grace and how it
plays a part in my life. I know that these moments are not to break me,
but to strengthen me. I really felt like this video was the story of my
life this week....
I want you to put in the mormon message called "the will of God" just
go to youtube and I'm sure you can find it and then put it in :) )
know that we don't have to be perfect now. Heavenly Father IS patient
with our progress. I'll finish this little thought with a quote by Brad
know that that is true. I know that my Savior really does live and love
me. I know that this gospel is true and definitely has the power to
change lives, as I see it change mine every single day.
Now on to the miracles of the week...
We had our second official lessons with our new investigators (remember, knocked
on their door?) Ok. MOST. SOLID. LESSON. EVER. Nels told us that he knew
we were an answer to prayers. You can see how much faith he has because
he has so much anxiety and is so nervous to have people in his home,
yet he invites us in and listens. ALSO. We invited him to say the
closing prayer at the beginning of the lesson. He declined because he
said he was far too nervous. End of the lesson, guess who said the
prayer! It was so so powerful. The spirit was definitely there and
prompted him hard core! Jo really related to the idea of the eternal
perspective and you could see she was getting emotional over it. Ugh!!
Just one more testimony that THE GOSPEL IS TRUE AND HAS THE POWER TO
Ok. Remember when I first arrived in Potsdam? When I first met this awesome lady,
and she told me that she didn't even like reading the Book of Mormon,
and that she wasn't sure if she wanted to keep coming to church? Well
this Sunday she got up in front of the whole church and bore her
testimony about how much she loves the Book of Mormon and what an
amazing change it has made in her life. She talked about how her life
has gotten so much better since we started diligently studying it with
her. Now, I don't take any credit, but seriously, look how awesome the
Book of Mormon is! Everyone, go read it. k?
3. We may be picking up a new investigator tonight. But here's the way cool back story.
this college kid in the branch who is a recent convert (we will call
him RC for short). So one day he is hanging out on campus with some
friends and he sees this girl looking lost and sad with a ton of
luggage. So he feels prompted to go and talk to her. SO HE DOES. He
finds out that she just moved here from Michigan to be a live-in nanny.
She has no friends, no family, and was lost. So RC helps her get to
where she needs to, and gives her his number if she ever needs anything.
Weeks go by, he doesn't hear from her.... THEN. She calls him, says her
situation is not good and she needs help. RC goes and gets her out,
then helps her move in with one of the member families of the branch.
This family BRINGS HER TO CHURCH ON SUNDAY where we meet her and chat
with her. I seriously think she may be the single most prepared person
in the world. So we are having dinner with the family tonight and
we will see what happens! But seriously, how amazing is it that
Heavenly Father just works through people like this Recent Convert to
help his children. SO AMAZING.
Also... random fun facts...
We went to MLC (in Utica) again this week. during this two day trip we
- Went to a target for the first time in 9 months. it was so great.
- learned a new style of teaching that seems pretty intimidating, but we are pretty stoked to try it out!
- Just had so much fun with all the wonderful missionaries!
Now the giggles (I promise this blog is almost done!)
1. "I've heard a laugh just like that at the zoo!" - Less-Active
"Are you saying I sound like a hyena?" - Sister Davis
"What does a hyena even sound like?" - me
"Can you laugh again please?" - Less-active
(That's pretty much how our visits with them go!)
2. in the car ride home from Utica we thought of missionary hashtags (for our mission) for about 45 minutes. Enjoy!!
#10:31pm #disobedient #woodshed
3. "Ok, so we have them go over to their child of life... " -Elder
"WHAT?! YOU MEAN THEIR KIDS?" -other elder.
Alright. Hasta luego.
Sister Langford
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