Hello my dears,
Another week has
come and gone. But seriously, this week was super great. I went to Lake
Placid (mini Park City), we got snowed in, we attended a super stellar
Zone Training Meeting, aaaaand, we found out we are going to move into a
new HOUSE. So these are the things that we are excited about. But let
me tell you about the wonderful missionary moments...
2. We picked up
another new investigator. She seems really cool
and we are excited to see where things go with that. Haha thats all
there really is to say about that one. I know, you all were hoping for a
super cool story. Sorry kids, they can't all be super cool stories :)
3. OH MY
GOODNESS. Remember one of our investigators from last week? Ok. So this week she was feeling a little wary
again. She was basically having the exact same concerns that she was the
last time we saw her... the concerns we thought we had resolved,
4. Other new investigators
came to church! We totally thought it would be a huge obstacle.. but we
invited them to do a church tour on Saturday, which went really well. At
the end we asked them if they would come to church the next day... and
their response was hillarious...
Woman Investigator: "We were talking about this
in the car ride over. I said to him, 'You know they will probably try
and get us to come to church tomorrow... what are you going to say?'"
Us- "What are you going to say ?"
Man Investigator- *silently stares at us*
Woman Investigator- "He said yes."
Boom. So there they were at church.It was sooooo good. Plus it was District Conference. So that was pretty solid!
5. I had THE COOLEST experience while I was on exchange in Lake Placid with the wonderful Sister Bowen. So morning time rolled around and we had made plans to go out to one of their farther areas to find. Well just as we were leaving we got a text from a random lady. Sister Bowen recognized her as a former investigator who had been taught a ton and just wouldn't progress. So this lady asked if we could come over and help her with her vacuum (people are random). So we decided we should go over right then. We went and helped her with the vacuum a bit and then we started talking. She started telling us how her life had not been going well. How ever since the missionaries stopped visiting her, she had felt this emptiness. She then started to go on about how her son was mistreating her. She felt so frustrated because she was doing so much for her son and he ignored her and was disrespectful and on and on. And all of a sudden, the spirit hit me hard and I knew exactly what to say to this lady I had only known for 20 minutes. I know what came out came straight from God.
"When will we baptize them?" (to the tune of "when will my life begin?" from Tangled)
6:25 the usual morning line up
Run and jump and crunch 'til we're fit and lean.
Shower and hair, get dressed and do our make up.
Change again and by then its like 7:50.
And so I'll read my book, in chapters two and three.
I'll add a few new notes into my P. M. G.
We'll sing a song and pray and talk and basically
Just wonder when will we baptize them?
Then after lunch its knocking and walking and tracting.
teaching the word, even when appointments fail.
Restoration and the Plan of Salvation.
Then the gospel, maybe commandments, law of chastity, word of wisdom?
Then we'll re-teach the lesson they didn't understand
We'll tract that street again, I'm sure there's someone there!
And then we'll knock and knock and knock and knock again,
Still in the area I started in.
and I'll keep wonderin' and wonderin' and wonderin' and wonderin'
When will we baptize them?
Just like it did on that weekend last year.
What is it like when they're all dressed in white?
Now that their sober, President might just let them go!
Have a rad week! Love ya!
Sister Langford
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