Oh my goodness gracious. This week has been another crazy crazy run around with your head cut off week. But hey, its better than being bored riiiiiight? So let's get to talking.
The first and biggest news is....
Oh man those were three very blessed and fun days. I got to spend them in Owego (the land I love) with Sisters Ashcraft and Collins. I can't remember if I said this last week, but the purpose of these crazy exchanges was to help the sisters catch the vision of what's possible and especially show them how they can teach more and how they can teach better. So naturally, going into these exchanges, we were pretty stressed. I was just thinking "How can I even inspire these sisters and help them catch the vision?" I was feeling pretty inadequate to say the least. I just prayed that my efforts (no matter how weak they were) would be enough.
Well through out the course of these three days, I met some people that I absolutely adore and KNOW there was a reason I met them, and we had some super stellar experiences. I will tell you about just one...
We had also been praying the whole exchange that they would be able to teach 20 lessons this week. It was a pretty big prayer, since they had been no where near that before. Last night they texted us as said "Hey sisters! Guess who just taught there 20th lesson this week!?" SO BLESSED. I just know that Heavenly Father made the efforts that I could give enough. Not only was I able to inspire those sisters, but they truly inspired me and had such a great effect on my mission. Such a blessing to be able to go on that exchange.
Now back to Corning...
2. An investigator CAME TO CHURCH. Oh man. It was so good to have a new investigator at church I can't even tell you! #blessed.
3. So this is my final story. We went to go teach The M's, but they weren't home. We were kind of like, ah man! We were banking on this lesson. So then we didn't really know what to do. So we said a prayer and then opened up our planner to see if we had any good back ups planned. We looked and both of us were like "Let's go see L." So we went to L's house (She is a potential investigator) and knocked on her door. She came out as well as her son and his girl friend and we taught them a very powerful restoration. When we arrived she was really frazzled because her dad had passed away just a few weeks earlier. By the end of the lesson she stood up and said "I feel so much more peaceful. I know I needed to see you two!" It was such a blessing. I know that Heavenly Father has a purpose in EVERYTHING. When things don't go the way we planned, its simply because He has something better in store.
and one giggle...
"They do have... for lack of a better word, souls!' -District Leader
"hahahaha its so funny because we mostly only teach gingers!" - His companion.
Well, another crazy week coming up! We head to Utica again today. I hope the craziness never ends!
Sister Langford
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