Hello my friends. Another week has rolled by... but oh my goodness THIS WEEK. It's so amazing to be in the Lord's service and to just see miracle after miracle happen. It's just too good. Ok. Enough of this chit-chat. Lets talk about the week.

This week was TRANSFERS. And as I expressed last week, I lost my lovely proxy-trainy, Sister Fiefia. But I was so so blessed to get Sister Glenn. She has been out on her mission for one month longer than I have, (so we are both oldies), she is from Vegas, and she has some serious faith and drive. It's amazing to me how Heavenly Father knows exactly what I need to progress and become better. If I ever get comfortable with where I am, He quickly reminds me how much room I have to grow. That's what Sister Glenn is. An example and reminder of where I can grow to be. It's incredible. So anyway, I went to transfers, sat in a mini van for approximately 7 hours, and then arrived back to my home in Corning.
but before Fiefia left...

1. One morning we decided to go walk around and see if we could find anyone to teach. You know, classic missionary morning. Well it looked a little cloudy so I said, "meh. I'll bring my umbrella... you know. Just in case." Well then we started walking. Once we had walked about a mile and a half away from our apartment the largest storm New York has ever known,(not really... I might be being a little dramatic right now), hit us head on. So Sister Fiefia and I crouched under my one little umbrella and tried to make it the mile and a half back home with out drowning. It was a pretty hysterical sight. Luckily we made it home with only minor water log.
So then the miracles...
1. This week, the work has been EXPLODING. We have found more potentials in this very week than I think Corning has seen the entire time this area has been open. For example, yesterday we were out tracting this apartment complex and almost half of the people there seemed interested and wanted us to come back. IT WAS AMAZING. We also met some haters... but you win some and you lose some. In the midst of all this finding, we actually picked up 4 new investigators! So here's who they are...
- T. Super sweet girl who I swear is like, one of the most prepared people I have ever met. I am so excited to see where things go with her. She's in her mid 20's. As we were talking with her about the restoration she was just like, "I feel so good about everything you guys are saying! This is such an amazing message!"
- E. He is a cool guy, also in his 20's. We ending up starting our lesson with him at 8:45 at night. while out walking. He was super interested and I am excited to see where he goes! It was funny though because the whole time during the lessons the mosquitoes where basically eating our faces off... then we finished our lesson and we only had like 5 minutes to get home, but our apartment was like a 10 minute walk away. So what did we do? WE RAN. Like we literally ran the whole way home. We made it home only 2 minutes late.... I think the Lord will forgive us for that one! haha.
- R. I can't remember if I told you guys about her. But she is too good. She is an indian lady who doesn't speak english too well... but she is so so sweet and says she really wants to come to church! AMAZING.
- AND FINALLY, N. He is the husband of one of our investigators. We were able to go over and teach them about the Plan of Salvation and it was one of the most powerful Plan of Salvation lessons I've had in a while. ESPECIALLY when we were talking about the Atonement. It was amazing.... SO good things to come from them as well.
2. And in the midst of all this finding, we also were contacted by two random people. THEY CONTACTED US. We got a text from this guy asking why we never tried to stop by any more... and we got a call from a guy who said that he had come to our church a couple of years ago, but hadn't been in a long time and wanted to come back! So there's a couple more blessings. Now that I'm typing this all up I'm really realizing how incredibly amazing this all was. Wow. We are blessed.
and a few stories...
1. We went and visited this Less-active couple. They are pretty hot and cold about the gospel, so we decided to see how things were going and to practice teaching them the restoration using the new method. Well it was going so well. The spirit was really knocking it out of the park. And part of this new teaching method is that at the end we ask them to pray, then after the prayer we have a moment of silence so they can get an answer to their prayers and listen to the spirit and such. Well we invited the husband to pray, and he asked some really inspired questions. Then after the prayer we had our moment of silence... dude I swear... that moment of silence turned into like 10 minutes of silence. It was kind of awkward... but I just kept seeing in my head on the paper where it says "WHAT EVER YOU DO, DON'T BREAK THE SILENCE" So we didn't. And it was kind of weird. But at the end, he looked up at us and just looked to enlightened. So we asked him "How are
you feeling?" and he was like, "I got my answer and I know what I need to do." IT WAS SO COOL. And now this less-active couple wants us to come and teach them all of the lessons over again. saweeeet!

2. Also, V. That girl! haha. So we taught her a bunch of times this week and she was doing really good! So then we asked her to do a church tour and at first she said yes! ... but then she texted us and was like "I don't think I need to come to your church, because I'm not going to join it." and we were just like "bah! V!" So we went over and we really listened to her, and it turned out great. I guess she just needs some time and love... but she will get there!
So that was basically the week! Sister Glenn and I have SO MANY good things to come. Just in this transfer we have 4 exchanges, 2 MLC's, Zone Conference, and All Sister's Conference, and people to baptize. Its gonna be soooo sick! Not to mention we have to melt in the heat a little and lose our legs in mosquito bites. It should be good!
*Just as I was about the finish this email, the school where we email had a fire drill... So that was weird.*
Anyway, talk to ya'll next week! Adious!
Sister Langford
Hello my friends. Another week has rolled by... but oh my goodness THIS WEEK. It's so amazing to be in the Lord's service and to just see miracle after miracle happen. It's just too good. Ok. Enough of this chit-chat. Lets talk about the week.
This week was TRANSFERS. And as I expressed last week, I lost my lovely proxy-trainy, Sister Fiefia. But I was so so blessed to get Sister Glenn. She has been out on her mission for one month longer than I have, (so we are both oldies), she is from Vegas, and she has some serious faith and drive. It's amazing to me how Heavenly Father knows exactly what I need to progress and become better. If I ever get comfortable with where I am, He quickly reminds me how much room I have to grow. That's what Sister Glenn is. An example and reminder of where I can grow to be. It's incredible. So anyway, I went to transfers, sat in a mini van for approximately 7 hours, and then arrived back to my home in Corning.
but before Fiefia left...
1. One morning we decided to go walk around and see if we could find anyone to teach. You know, classic missionary morning. Well it looked a little cloudy so I said, "meh. I'll bring my umbrella... you know. Just in case." Well then we started walking. Once we had walked about a mile and a half away from our apartment the largest storm New York has ever known,(not really... I might be being a little dramatic right now), hit us head on. So Sister Fiefia and I crouched under my one little umbrella and tried to make it the mile and a half back home with out drowning. It was a pretty hysterical sight. Luckily we made it home with only minor water log.
So then the miracles...
1. This week, the work has been EXPLODING. We have found more potentials in this very week than I think Corning has seen the entire time this area has been open. For example, yesterday we were out tracting this apartment complex and almost half of the people there seemed interested and wanted us to come back. IT WAS AMAZING. We also met some haters... but you win some and you lose some. In the midst of all this finding, we actually picked up 4 new investigators! So here's who they are...
- T. Super sweet girl who I swear is like, one of the most prepared people I have ever met. I am so excited to see where things go with her. She's in her mid 20's. As we were talking with her about the restoration she was just like, "I feel so good about everything you guys are saying! This is such an amazing message!"
- E. He is a cool guy, also in his 20's. We ending up starting our lesson with him at 8:45 at night. while out walking. He was super interested and I am excited to see where he goes! It was funny though because the whole time during the lessons the mosquitoes where basically eating our faces off... then we finished our lesson and we only had like 5 minutes to get home, but our apartment was like a 10 minute walk away. So what did we do? WE RAN. Like we literally ran the whole way home. We made it home only 2 minutes late.... I think the Lord will forgive us for that one! haha.
- R. I can't remember if I told you guys about her. But she is too good. She is an indian lady who doesn't speak english too well... but she is so so sweet and says she really wants to come to church! AMAZING.
- AND FINALLY, N. He is the husband of one of our investigators. We were able to go over and teach them about the Plan of Salvation and it was one of the most powerful Plan of Salvation lessons I've had in a while. ESPECIALLY when we were talking about the Atonement. It was amazing.... SO good things to come from them as well.
2. And in the midst of all this finding, we also were contacted by two random people. THEY CONTACTED US. We got a text from this guy asking why we never tried to stop by any more... and we got a call from a guy who said that he had come to our church a couple of years ago, but hadn't been in a long time and wanted to come back! So there's a couple more blessings. Now that I'm typing this all up I'm really realizing how incredibly amazing this all was. Wow. We are blessed.
and a few stories...
1. We went and visited this Less-active couple. They are pretty hot and cold about the gospel, so we decided to see how things were going and to practice teaching them the restoration using the new method. Well it was going so well. The spirit was really knocking it out of the park. And part of this new teaching method is that at the end we ask them to pray, then after the prayer we have a moment of silence so they can get an answer to their prayers and listen to the spirit and such. Well we invited the husband to pray, and he asked some really inspired questions. Then after the prayer we had our moment of silence... dude I swear... that moment of silence turned into like 10 minutes of silence. It was kind of awkward... but I just kept seeing in my head on the paper where it says "WHAT EVER YOU DO, DON'T BREAK THE SILENCE" So we didn't. And it was kind of weird. But at the end, he looked up at us and just looked to enlightened. So we asked him "How are
you feeling?" and he was like, "I got my answer and I know what I need to do." IT WAS SO COOL. And now this less-active couple wants us to come and teach them all of the lessons over again. saweeeet!
2. Also, V. That girl! haha. So we taught her a bunch of times this week and she was doing really good! So then we asked her to do a church tour and at first she said yes! ... but then she texted us and was like "I don't think I need to come to your church, because I'm not going to join it." and we were just like "bah! V!" So we went over and we really listened to her, and it turned out great. I guess she just needs some time and love... but she will get there!
So that was basically the week! Sister Glenn and I have SO MANY good things to come. Just in this transfer we have 4 exchanges, 2 MLC's, Zone Conference, and All Sister's Conference, and people to baptize. Its gonna be soooo sick! Not to mention we have to melt in the heat a little and lose our legs in mosquito bites. It should be good!
*Just as I was about the finish this email, the school where we email had a fire drill... So that was weird.*
Anyway, talk to ya'll next week! Adious!
Sister Langford
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