Hello hello!
Ok, so here's the news from the week...
Remember how a general authority was coming on Monday to speak to us?
Well he came. It ended up being Bruce R. Porter of the Seventy. He gave a
really great talk about the gospel of Christ. Very motivating. At the
end of the meeting, he said he would like to interview a couple of
missionaries. He started reading some names (all elders) then he ended
with "and Sister Langford" I was like.... "um what?" So I was pretty
nervous! But it went well and it was so cool to get to chat with a
general authority!
At the beginning of this week we were feeling a little bit... blah.
Like, how can we get anything going in the area? Why are things being so
hard? Just along those lines. So we decided to have a special fast for
our area. That morning, I stumbled up this quote by Jeffrey R. Holland,
I realized that it wouldn't be easy, but we could do
it. So we worked. That day was so great! We made a lofty goal to talk
with 50 people a day! So far it's going good and we have found some
amazing potentials and been given some truly inspired ideas for how to
find people! I know the Lord is looking out for us and good things are
to come...
3. Like being GIVEN the coolest investigator EVER! His
name is Deacon and he just moved here from Arizona. He has already been
taught everything and is 100% ready for baptism. But his story is
AMAZING! Wanna hear an abbreviated version of it? Ok cool.

So now he is in
New York and his wife has said she is ok with him getting baptized! So
we are teaching her as well!! Such an amazing
blessing! And such a powerful story!
4. Trish is doing
amazing and LOVING her calling in the Young Womens!
Ok, so now you probably want to hear about the crazy, funny things right?
During PEC our mission leader was reading our progress record and
looked at Cody and Travis, and saw that we were wondering when Cody and
Travis could get the priesthood. But instead he just said...
" So, the sisters are wondering when they can get the priesthood?"
oh man. too good.
2. "I'm not going to change. I've been in New York too long" - Elder
3. "All I want is for this purple hamster to turn into a scarf!" - Sister Hansen
"So are you ladies, like, married to Jesus or what?"
5. *Elders trying to think of creative finding ideas*
" number one, invite people over for a hammock party. number two, ask the sisters for ideas"
We were talking to this guy who was from some random Arab country and
he said "I will pay for you ladies to come to my country"
...... um.....
Well, good things to come in Cooperstown, I can promise that much!
Sister Langford