This week was a so-so kind of week. Good things are happening but no way cool miracle stories. But hey, keep reading because I promise this will still be good :)

1. Trish and her family are still just doing incredible. I always just feel like I'm on cloud nine when we leave their home. This Sunday Trish was given a calling to serve in the Young Women's. She's excited! It will definitely be a good way to help her feel more involved with the branch! Cody, the oldest of the boys, had a really good missionary experience this week. He said in his history class they were defining the word "missionary". His teacher said that he didn't think religions really had missionaries any more. Cody raised his hand and was like "um... no. The Mormon's have missionaries!" and his teacher said "How do you know that?" and Cody said "Because I'm a Mormon!" in front of his whole class! :D I LOVE THE HOPKINS!
2. Our other investigators are progressing like champs. They even text us and make sure we are going to come over and visit them! Its soooo great! They came to church yesterday and are VERY excited for their upcoming (in December) baptism. It's very happy.
Ok, this week SO MANY funny things happened. I don't know why, but the humor was just rolling this week.
Viktoria- "You guys are like the White Rabbit. You are always late for a very important date."
2. As one of our service activities we help bring people to a prayer circle at the old folks home. So for like 45 minutes we basically walk around and try and get old people to go and pray. While we were doing that this week, Sister Hansen said...
"All we do is try and get people to do things they don't want to do. Its exhausting!"
4. *As we are walking into the old folks home*
Old man- "Hey, you ladies dropped something"
*us really confused trying to figure out what we dropped*
Me- "Us? What did we drop?"
Old man *laughing really hard* "Your footprints!"
...some people can be kind of weird.
And that's pretty much it. Like I said, not the most exciting week. But we keep going. Cooperstown must still need me here. :)

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