that majority of this week was rather lame. We taught some lessons,
talked to some people, walked around and stuff. Nothing too earth
shattering. I guess Heavenly Father gave us a lame week because he knew
that the weekend was going to be AMAZING and I couldn't have too many
things to write home about right?
So before we get into the REALLY good stuff, here are some other highlights:
2.We had a WONDERFUL visit with Sister Rasmussen from home. Turns out she
is my visiting teacher. So everyone, take notes. She flew across the
country to get 100% visiting teaching. We need to see some more of that
commitment! :)
We taught a really great lesson to one of our investigators. She
basically knows that it is all true, but won't accept it simply because
she doesn't believe there is one true church. So we were teaching
her on Thursday night and we layed it on the line for her. I just
remember being totally guided by the spirit, and boldly saying "This is either totally true, or it's totally false. This is a black or
white issue. So you need to find out. If this is true, then it's the most
important thing you will ever learn in your life. If it's not true, then
we're wasting our time. All we ask, is that you sincerely find out." Oh
man. it was bold. But, it really got to her! Here's hoping that she
4. This week I had
some pretty big downs. I was having a pretty rough day on Friday. That
night we went to teach Trish and her family and we were talking about
the Holy Ghost. We read them a scripture that really hit me. I can
honestly say it was an answer straight from Heavenly Father to me.
The scripture was John 14:27 which says:
I leave with you, my peace I give unto you; not as the world giveth,
give I unto you let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be
I guess it just really hit me, because all that Christ
will give us is peace and love. Satan can try and make us feel troubled,
but it's our choice. I think the word "let" is really profound. We
choose if we are going to let our heart be troubled and afraid. I just
really realized this week how loving and merciful the Savior really is.
We are SO much harder on ourselves that he will ever be on us.
1. When Trish was baptized. Seeing her go down into the
water, then the light on her face when she came back up, was so
incredible. I was bawling. You could literally see the light of Christ
radiating from her. To see someone come so far, to make so many changes,
and allow themselves to be cleansed through baptism and the atonement
of Christ.... it makes everything worth it.
2. Watching the
boy's faces as they were confirmed. They were so cute and just smiling
like crazy. Afterward I kept asking how they felt and all they could say
was "happy. So, so happy." I can't believe the change that this will make
in their lives!
3. The absolute
icing on the cake, best moment, that makes me never want to stop being a
missionary, was when Trish bore her testimony. She got up there, and
her eyes were watering, and she started talking. She basically just
talked about how she was trying to figure out which church to go to. How
there are three churches in Hartwick, but she didn't want to go to any
of them, and then we knocked on her door. She basically went on to say
how thankful she was that we came, and never gave up. How thankful she
is for the church and to know that it is true. It was the best moment of
my life. To know that because I gained a testimony and was willing to
come out here and share it, Trish and her family will never be the same.
They mean the world to me, and I am so grateful to have been able to be
here to see it all happen!
Even though some days are rough, and we have awkward
moments like nobody's business. And we walk. and talk. and cry. and
love. and some people won't change...But then you find someone like
Trish, and it makes me realize how this really is the best eighteen
months :)
Sister Langford
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