So the blog is coming at you on Tuesday
today. Who knew that Columbus Day was a big enough deal to shut down all the
Libraries? I didn't. So Tuesday email it is.
Well I'm sure you are all on the edge
of your seat to find out if I have been transferred/where I'm going. Well
here's the news...
That's right. After this transfer I
will have been in Cooperstown for six months. Hello 1/3 of my mission in
Cooperstown. I can't say I wasn't a bit surprised but I'm staying. I was talking to my mission president on Saturday and I was like...
"So pres, six months in
Cooperstown huh?"
and he said "Sister Langford, six
months isn't long at all. The prophet has said to keep missionaries in an area
for as long as a year!"
So basically I'm going to die in
Anyway... this was a pretty eventful
week. Let me tell you some of the things...
The Randoms:
1. I held a kitten. It was adorable and
named katie.
2. We went to the "mall" . It was kind of painful to see clothes, hear music and smell
popcorn and be like, "Hey, I'm a missionary!"
3. We still love crocheting. Here's so
quotes said while we crochet...
"Dude, my thread is totally off
the hook"
"Ah, the silence of
"Ok, but for the next 3 minutes,
lets just crochet!"
The Spiritual Blessings:
1. So update on Trish and the boys.
They are just doing so so so so so great! Oh my goodness it makes me want to
cry! Before their baptism we challenged them to pay attention to how they felt
when they received the Holy Ghost. Trish couldn't be at one of our meetings
this week, but she called us to tell us how she felt!
It made me want to cry! She is such an
amazing disciple.
One of the boys, Jamison, who is eight
said, "I felt happy. Like it poofed my mind!"
We died laughing at that one. They are
the greatest EVER! Then later this week we taught them about temples are they
are so excited to go and do baptisms and Trish is excited to be sealed in the
temple. She was even like, 'Ray you have to be baptized so we can be married
2. Another message on following
promptings. So this week we were going to contact a referral. We were driving
and we passed this house. A tiny thought in my head said, "Maybe you
should try that.... nah" so we went to the referral, but he wasn't home.
So we tried back a couple days later. Driving past, and I had the same thought,
"Maybe you should try that house", but again I brushed it off and we
kept going. The referral was not the least bit interested. So we turned around
and were going back. Well the third time we passed the house I noticed, I
thought about trying it again and I was like, “ok.” So we did a quick flip around and went to
knock on the door. Well this sweet young woman with a baby answered the door.
We said, "Would you like to hear a message about Christ?" and she
said, "Sure!" (like what? This never happens!) So we taught her the
restoration and she was like, "Yes I would love to learn more about
this!" SINGLE MOST PREPARED PERSON! What if I hadn't knocked on that door.
Follow promptings people. Its soooo worth it.
The Story:
Oh my do I have a story for you all this
week. So Saturday and Sunday we had stake conference in Utica. We were
encouraged to get rides with members to save miles. Well, on Sunday Sister Hansen
and I were supposed to sing with the choir, so we were supposed to be 45 minutes
early on Saturday to practice. Confusing...
Sunday morning around 8:30 am we are
sitting outside our apartment, waiting for our ride. Well they were running
late too but we were going to make it ok. We were 20 minutess from Utica,
when their car COMPLETELY BREAKS DOWN. Ummmm...
So I'm like, "Sister Hansen, we
should probably text the Elders and let them know we won’t make it to
sing." Oh good news, we lost our phone.
So there we are. Stranded on the side
of the road. No phone. really cold. Oh man, it was quite the situation. But all
Sister Hansen and I could do was laugh! It took me back to the talk
by Joseph B. Wirthlin called "Come What May and Love
it" Part of it he talks about learning to laugh when things don't go
as planned. We could have easily been frustrated that we were missing
singing, that we lost our phone, that we were stranded, and that we were
cold... but we just rolled with it!
Thank heavens somehow another branch
member got word that we were stuck and came and got us. We caught the last 30
minutes of Stake Conference. AND even bigger tender mercy, when we arrived back
in Cooperstown at like 5:30 at night our phone was still on the steps
outside our apartment. Such a blessing from the Lord.
Well, that was the week. Haha! Here's
for six more crazy Cooperstown weeks.
Sister Langford
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