Oh my goodness. I can't even begin to talk about how dramatically my life has changed in the course of this week. Like, where in the heck even am I? Ok, lets talk about the week everybody.
Back in the 'wood:
It was a hard goodbye to leave Norwood. There were so many people that I felt really changed my life and I had really grown close with. The Potsdam branch felt like family and Sister Davis and I were basically BFF's.... so it was a lot tougher leave than Cooperstown. We went around saying our goodbye's to Floyd, Nick & Anita, Nels & Jo, the whole gang. Definitely bitter sweet. And let me tell you, Heavenly Father knew I was struggling a little bit with this whole leaving business.
So, He made it easier.
Tuesday we had two investigators drop us AND one of our services dropped us because we introduced ourselves as "sister" (what the lame?) So.... it was a little bit easier to peace out Wednesday morning! Haha.
Aaaaaaahh.... Corning. Corning is like the cutest place ever. And get this, THERE ARE FREEWAYS AND STORES AND PEOPLE and I was like, where even am I right now? There were multiple lanes that I could drive in and I didn't even know what to do with myself (I'm still adjusting). So that was great. And let me tell you, Sister Fiefia is like, the coolest ever. She brings out my crazy ghetto side. It's been good. She has only been out for a few months and is still figuring things out, but I seriously love her greenie faith and fire. It brings it out in me. So that is AWESOME.
Corning has also been a bit of a struggle so far. Let's just say that all of the previous missionaries haven't been the most diligent or obedient and as a result, we only had 2 investigators and the members really do not like the missionaries. So.... sweet. But on the plus side, I recieved some pretty straight answers to prayers. I told Heavenly Father I was ready for a bit more of a challenge. Something that would push me and help me grow. I also prayed that I would be able to recognize my purpose in being in Corning. I know Heavenly Father heard those prayers because Corning is definitely a challenge,(its almost like opening a new area and training a new missionary), but at the same time I know He trusts me enough to give me this area and my purpose is very clear. I am here to get things going in Corning.
Sister Fiefia and I have been working our tails off everyday so far that I've been here and so far we have found 2 new investigators! They are older couple who had been taught by the missionaries before (recently) but had been dropped for who knows why. We went over and had the most solid lesson with them where they kept asking us about baptism and how they are really thinking about it for themselves! like, HELLO SOLID. So, there are many blessings coming our way in Corning. WE ARE TURNING THINGS AROUND!
In other news,
SO far in Corning I have....
-Cleaned a hoarder's house
-Free style rapped everyday with Sister Fiefia
-Helped with a poverty walk
-Been bit by a dog
Now, let's finish with some quotes...
"Ya! We are fishing for men..... wait! I mean fishers of men!" - Sister Fiefia
"This room is Vegas." -Brother Rodreguiz
"It's like going through hot butter.... well not hot butter because then it would be melted." -President Wirthlin
"Do I stress you out when I'm in your pressence? Well.... there's nothing I can do! I'm here!" -President Wirthlin
"Are you saying Polynesians are fat?" - Sister Fiefia
"Well... stereotypically yes." -Elder
Well, love you all! Have a blessed week :) #langfordout #Ozoneswag
Sister Langford
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