Hello all my friends out there! Haha, oh man. THIS WEEK.
Where do we begin? I have too much info to fit into one email... ok....
deep breath....

Let's talk.
1. So first big news... IT'S
SO WARM. Like, drive with your window down, short sleeves, feet getting a
little sweaty in your flats, warm. I LOVE IT. Which leads me to my
second big news...

2. WE GOT TRANSFER CALLS. and well... I'm

Norwood. It's kind of a rough leave. Bitter sweet. I feel like
it's my time to go and it's definitely what's best for me and the area,
but as I've been saying goodbye to everyone it's been really sad. But on
the plus side, I'M GOING TO CORNING, NY! I heard good things about
Corning. Like, it's where glass was invented, it's super cute, its THE
our mission (talk about a change) and (here's the best part) THERE'S A
TARGET. Hello civilization! This may be the biggest "city" I've served
in yet... and we can pretty much guarantee it's going to be tiny. Still,
I'm stoked for a new change, to go down state (WHERE ITS EVEN WARMER)!
and to meet my new comp Sister Fiefia! and speaking of calls....
YESTERDAY I CALLED HOME! Hey everyone do you remember that? Haha. It
was too weird. Even weirder was the fact that that was my last call home
before I'm back in the 801. Crazy. But it was cool to chat with
everyone and all that good stuff :) (Shout out to Hollie and Nat for
writing me a sweet missionary song ;) ) and on a completely unrelated
4. THIS MORNING WE SHEERED ALPACAS. It was super funny. I almost got spit on. Dude, it was a dream come true.

But anyway, back to the work.
We had such a bomb lesson with an investigator. We taught her about the Book of
Mormon and she was
so excited to read it! It's so encouraging to see someone so ready and
excited for God's word. When we first presented it she was like "Oh, I
will have to see if I can find time to squeeze it in.." and by the end
she was like "I have time every night that I could be reading this!" SO

2. Ok ok ok. Remember last week how I was going off about
us finding less-actives out the wazoo. Well, welcome to this next fine
story. So one of our investigators, (mentioned previously) told us to go and try to teach
her mom. So naturally we did #referral. Well she invites us in and we
start teaching her the first lesson. She's feeling good about it and
then she goes "Wait. You guys are Mormon's right?" and we are like "why
yes, yes we are." Then she says "Oh I've been baptized into your
mentally threw my hands in the air and yelled "OF COURSE YOU HAVE!"
(don't worry that was only in my head!) But then she
continued to tell us how she had been excommunicated but would like to
come back! Oh, Norwood is too funny of a place.
3. Then we see another person (another surprise member of the church) and last week we had
given her a Book of Mormon. Before we had a chance to say anything she
said "I've been reading your bible and its made me so much more
peaceful." It was a really sweet moment. I'm telling you guys, the
powers in the book! :)

4. We FINALLY saw an investigator couple again. It
wasn't a bad visit, but you could tell they were a little distraught.
They kind of laid it on the line for us and told us they were never
getting married or baptized. So that was tough. But we are still praying
and fasting for them so we aren't giving up! I just pray that the new
sister will be able to help them out! Aaah, missionary worries.

And we found one more investigator and had possibly THE MOST awkward
moment. We had met him once
before. He's way nice and has a lot of deep questions. So we were
teaching him the restoration, and in the new teaching method that we've
been using you are supposed to ask them to
offer the closing prayer and
then have a moment of silence with them to help them feel the spirit.
Rad. It should all work and create a super spiritual experience... in
theory. So we introduce the idea and he consents that he will say the
closing prayer. So we all bow our heads and close our eyes.... and
wait..... and wait.... and it's just silent. He doesn't say anything for
like 2 minutes. So finally I look over at Sister Davis and she is
awkwardly looking at me, then we both look at Tom and he looks at us....
then says "well, thanks for coming over!" OH MY GOODNESS IT WAS SO
AWKWARD! I tell ya, those North Country folk! Haha!

Well, that's the gist for this week... OH WAIT #quotes
"You mature.... but you never grow up.... or something like that. Its a quote!"

"Ya, he's an addiction recovery addict." -Elder
"Hannah Montana songs do everything a good sister training leader should do!"

Sister Langford
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