Hello everyone out there in the universe. This week was pretty chill. No wait... actually this week was SO FREAKING BLESSED. Like you guys, I was going through my journal and I was like, "Holy COW! The Lord is truly blessing us here!" I have never seen such direct answers to prayers and success my whole mission. Like.... wow. So let us chat about this crazy roller coaster week.
I don't even know how to explain it to you all except that the work is seriously progressing here in this area. We have been out trying to do a lot of tracting and finding and all that good stuff and at first.... it was a bit discouraging if we are going to be honest. Such a large task and I really felt like this entire area of Corning was resting on my shoulders. There was some serious stress you guys. After a couple of solid break downs I realized this, "I CAN'T BE PERFECT AND I CAN'T DO IT ON MY OWN." I realized this week that I can never do enough or say enough or be as kind or as diligent as I would like to be. I am going to have doubts and discouragements and all those things... but you know what? That's ok because Heavenly Father doesn't expect me to do all that. All he asks is that I go and do. He asks that I try and that I put forth my effort. Then some how, miraculously, it is enough. And because we are out and willing and there, He makes it work. He puts people in our path, He answers our prayers and He makes it happen. That is what I have seen this week. I have seen my own flaws and inadequacies swallowed up in what Jesus Christ can do. So here's what He did...
1. We found SO MANY amazing potentials. Like almost every single door we knocked on was someone who either, wanted to talk to us, or knew someone who wanted to talk to us. I'm serious you guys, THIS NEVER HAPPENS. Just to name a few experiences:
For some reason I felt compelled to walk around carrying a Book of Mormon in my hand instead or in my bag like I usually do. Then we felt to knock on a door that we hadn't planned on. Then we had a really good conversation with a guy and he gratefully accepted the Book of Mormon. #miracles. THEN we were out and we stopped at a members house to use the restroom. They led us to a less active that we had never known about. We knocked on her door and it wasn't the less- active but it WAS a couple of ladies who wanted to talk with us about the gospel. Oh yeah and THEN we were out trying a potential and I thought "Have you ever tried this potential's neighbors?" Sister Fiefia said they hadn't, so we went and knocked and ended up finding this super cool lady who talked with us for like an hour and is interested in having us back. I'm telling you guys, these are just a few of the sweet miracles we've seen this week.
2. And what about some literal and immediate answers to prayers? One day this week I prayed that we would be able to find a family who would listen to our message, be ready and prepared for what we have to say, and have a desire to investigate and be baptized. I went forth with faith, even though we didn't have much finding time that day. We went out and the second door we knocked on was this super cool guy who listened to our message and then said "yeah, My family and I would love to try and come to your church sometime! But we have to make a deal that you will come to ours!" We said "deal!" But he sincerely wants us to come back and he wants his family to hear our message! #MIRACLES
3. Oh and also, we found 2 new 'gators this week. One was a member referral, (also something that doesn't happen here), and the second is the straight up cutest family on the face of this earth. They're So sweet and have a strong desire to hear what we have to say. WE ARE SO BLESSED.
4. Then we went and saw a great couple we are teaching a few times this week. Yesterday when we saw them we had a super sweet experience. We decided to reteach them the restoration because we felt like there was something more that they could get out of the message. As we were teaching, the spirit was super strong and you could tell that they were really understanding it more than they had before. At the end of the lesson we asked Brother M what he would ask Heavenly Father about our message if He were here. Brother M said "I wouldn't know what to ask. I guess I would thank him for your message and I would say thank you for letting me know its true." We were just kind of stunned so I was like...." So if you know that this message is true, let me ask you a follow up question, Will you be baptized?" AND THEY BOTH SAID YES! It was so good! You can really tell this is something they are truly searching for. SO GOOD!
5. And not to mention that the elders had a baptism this week which was like the first convert baptism the Corning branch has seen in a while and it was so great! you guys, CORNING IS ON FIRE!
But like I said earlier, even though we have seen so many miracles and amazing things, there have been some bumps in the road. Satan is trying to bring us down because he knows that a marvelous work and a wonder is about to come forth in this area. Too bad he can't bring us down :)
....and now a couple of quotes of humor :)
"Well Sister Langford, I think what you need to go do is go out and buy yourself a big old banana split!" -President Wirthlin's counsel
"Ok now will you put your head back in the cereal box so I can take a picture?" -Member
"I've got Dia-betis" - Sister Fiefia
"Girls, you just put your hater blockers up!" -Random lady we met while tracting.
Well, I'm outy kids. Hope you all have a stellar week. Good things to come in Corning!
Sister Langford
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